our projects

datryllic is committed to the advancement of open source software, and maintains direct involvement in several open source projects.

Many of these are highly collaborative efforts with other experts in the field, and they are free for anyone to deploy, use, and extend. We offer our consulting services to those that want help in doing so to advance their business objectives.

alchemiscale is a service-oriented execution system for alchemical networks, suitable for utilizing multiple compute resources, such as HPC clusters, individual hosts, Kubernetes clusters, Folding@Home work servers, etc., to support large campaigns requiring high-throughput.

alchemiscale is designed for maximum interoperability with the Open Molecular Software Foundation stack, in particular the OpenForceField and OpenFreeEnergy ecosystems. alchemiscale is fully open source under the permissive MIT license.

datryllic originated the design and leads ongoing development of the alchemiscale project.