our services

Interested in deploying and using open source products like alchemiscale, but struggling to get started?

Open source software is free for anyone to use or extend, enabling broad application to challenging problems. There are some risks to using it in mission critical production settings, however:

  • Who do you reach out to when things break?
  • If the software doesn’t do exactly what you need, how do you get it there? Are you on your own?
  • What guarantees do you have that the open source project won’t be abandoned in a year, and you have to start over again?
  • What if you have unique infrastructure that the solutions you want to deploy don’t fit immediately into?

datryllic offers its consulting services as a way to address these risks. If any of these questions feel strikingly familiar to you, reach out to us! We’re likely well-positioned to directly help you.

Our promise to you: we are in the business of selling outcomes. We will only work with you if we have reason to believe that the technical solutions we deploy will measurably improve your situation. This is a guiding principle for us in our relationship with our clients, and ensures that we only take on work that is high-value, high-impact for you.

Our services come in two flavors: plug-and-play and bespoke.



our plug-and-play services

alchemiscale : deployment, support, management

alchemiscale is an open source, distributed execution system for OpenFE-based alchemical free energy calculations (FECs). Adaptable for a variety of infrastractures, including HPC, Kubernetes, cloud, and bare metal hosts, alchemiscale allows you to scale your FECs efficiently, with no licensing costs restricting your ability to burst compute when needed to meet tight deadlines.

We are the originators of alchemiscale‘s design, and we lead ongoing development as a collaborative effort within OpenFE. As a a plug-and-play service, we offer paid support for deploying alchemiscale in your production environments, and our direct assistance with optimizing your usage of the system to reduce the time-to-delivery and compute costs of your FECs. We also make ourselves available to help you through any issues you encounter with usage, including live working sessions to help you meet your goals quickly.

There are 3 service tiers available for you to choose from, with higher tiers offering increased direct involvement from us and less burden directly on you.

If this sounds compelling in meeting your needs, reach out to us! We’re happy to jump on a call to assess your situation and see if our services are a good fit for you.

tier 1 : advisory

Advisory support for deploying and managing alchemiscale in a production capacity. This includes:

  • assistance with planning the best alchemiscale deployment strategy given your infrastructure choices
  • asynchronous communication via your team’s preferred mechanism (e.g. email, Slack) to help you through issues you encounter in deployment and usage
  • live working sessions with you or your team to troubleshoot and solve more challenging problems together

$3,750 USD / month

tier 2 : hands-on

Hands-on support for deploying and managing alchemiscale in a production capacity. This includes everything in tier 1, as well as:

  • direct, hands-to-keyboard troubleshooting from us for problems you identify in your alchemiscale production instance(s)
  • prioritized development effort from us on bugs that are of critical importance to your use case
  • prioritized development effort from us on planned features that are of critical importance to your use case

$7,500 USD / month

tier 3 : fully-managed

Fully-managed alchemiscale. This includes everything in tiers 1 and 2, as well as:

  • we take responsibility for keeping your production alchemiscale instance(s) up and running, to the service level you require, on your infrastructure
  • we directly handle deployment and system upgrades, even as your infrastructure evolves
  • bespoke systems engineering to interface alchemiscale with your internal systems as your needs evolve